Allegations could taint Aussie efforts, says Ponting

Australian captain Ricky Ponting fears some great individual performances by his players will be "tainted" if allegations of cheating by Pakistan rivals are proven.

Australia's remarkable come-from-behind victory against Pakistan in Sydney in January has been brought into question by allegations of fixing against Pakistan during their just-completed Test series against England.

The alleged fixer was reportedly videoed in a British newspaper sting boasting that the Sydney Test was rigged.
Ponting said he was concerned the fixing allegations could overshadow the efforts of some of his players.

"The thing that I'm most worried about if any of this is proven to be true is some of the individual performances that took place in that game," he said.

"You look at Mike Hussey's second innings hundred and Peter Siddle's batting and the way he was with Mike Hussey that day and Nathan Hauritz taking five wickets on the final day to win us the game.

"All of those individual milestones will be tainted as well."

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